Say goodbye to the old you


Have you ever wished the world would just STOP? 

STOP as in, not just for the weekend, or not for holidays, but REALLY JUST STOP, freeze… while you got on with your things in your own little bubble… Nothing happening out ANYWHERE that would demand you, or your attention…

I have! You know, those times when stress was just too much, things were going too quickly, too much pressure, too much going on, too many people pulling you in too many directions, and you needed A BREAK… badly!

Well, NOW is that time! In comes the CoronaVirus and…


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How about spring-cleaning? No, not the house! YOU!

What old skin are you definitely ready to shed?

What did you think was the “dress-up identity” that would be defining you for years to come, that is now falling apart, all on its own, before your (perhaps disbelieving, at times even watery?) eyes?

What are you hoping to cling right back onto, as if nothing had ever happened, right as soon as “they let us out again”? Think again, are you sure that is really who you are now? Who you will want to be after this? Or will IT want you?

NOW is a once-in-a-lifetime moment! You might think that is a good thing, given the circumstances, but don’t let that take away from the fact that THIS is a precious moment. A SINGLE ONE moment in time when THE WHOLE WORLD is giving YOU a break.

What are YOU using it for?

Think about it…


YOU ARE FREE! Much less hassle these days! If you really give yourself the space and the time FOR THE REAL YOU, take a break from WhatsApp groups, mainstream media, and external obligations that may for now have let go of you!…

You might just realise THE TIME HAS COME. THIS IS YOUR TIME! Time to DO YOU! Time to listen in to yourself, and find out what that beautiful inner little voice of yours has been screaming out to you when the outside noise was too much for you to hear it.

Scary? Impossible? Not who you are? Time will tell. Meanwhile, don’t let the opportunity pass you by.

“Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.”


I would love to hear from you. What’s the biggest insight you’re taking away from this time out and, most importantly, how can you turn that insight into action starting right now? Do let me know in the comments below, for us other butterflies-in-the-making to come across, and we can all inspire each other.

STOP now… Breathe!… Listen… Hear that? It’s CALM.

Or maybe, for you, not so much? What are you still allowing to keep you outside of yourself?

Do you realise? There really is no hurry… Not anymore, right now.

You might think you’re comfortable in your little familiar life as a caterpillar, or perhaps you’d certainly long to finally become the beautiful butterfly in you. But, do not get it wrong, guys, for now,

It’s Cocoon Time!

Happy transformation!

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